July 11, 2008

Oh Baby!

Here is a picture of our baby at 8 weeks, were now 12 weeks along and the doctors say everything is going great! I think the baby looks like Byron, what do you think? hehe


kdlinpr said...

Yay! Great for you all! I didn't know there was a baby coming. I love that you could post the sonogram photo.

Jay, Heather, Brody, Ella, & Lylah said...

We're so happy for you!! I was exactly 12 weeks yesterday too! What is your due date?

Jay, Heather, Brody, Ella, & Lylah said...

What is your email so we can add you to view our blog?

Byron & Amanda said...
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Byron & Amanda said...

My due date is January 22, 2009 what is yours?

Jay, Heather, Brody, Ella, & Lylah said...

January 24th!!

Anonymous said...

so happy and excited for you guys. we love you...

Jay, Heather, Brody, Ella, & Lylah said...

Do you know what you are having yet? I have my ultrasound today @ 3:30 but we are not going to find out the sex. Justin wanted to wait this time & I agreed to it. I'm wondering how crazy it will drive me. haha!